* EEK! Kirsten Storms suffers hand injury, becomes fourth injured General Hospital actor this summer | GH on Soap Central

EEK! Kirsten Storms suffers hand injury, becomes fourth injured General Hospital actor this summer

Posted Friday, August 23, 2019 12:49:51 PM

Poor Kirsten Storms! The General Hospital actress, known for playing Maxie Jones, has suffered a summer playtime injury that has her sidelined from her favorite activity.

There must be something in the water over at General Hospital -- and hopefully Brita can devise a way to filter it out. A fourth -- yes, fourth -- actor from the ABC soap opera has suffered an injury this summer. Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones) took to social media to share that her left hand is in a brace due to a playtime injury.

"Always a good idea to make sure there are no sprinkler heads underneath the Slip 'N' Slide before takeoff," she jokes on Instagram along with a selfie that shows her wrist encased in a brace.

Luckily, the injury wasn't too series. "No big deal -- no broken bones, just a very swollen and partially black hand," she assures, adding that although her hand and wrist aren't broken, they're still causing quite a bit of pain, which is impacting her ability to resume one of her favorite pastimes -- knitting -- as well as the knit-along she's been doing with fans on Instagram.

"Emme Rylan (Lulu Spencer) has already seen me try to knit like this," she admits. "It wasn't cute and was excruciatingly slow (okay, okay, and also painful). To all the #SummerKnitAlongWithEmAndK people -- I'm down, but not out! You haven't seen the last of my Downtown Cardigan. Side note: I wish I had a picture of the orthopedic doctor's face after he told me not to be using my left hand and I very seriously asked him if that also meant no knitting. It was Instagram-worthy!"

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Always a good idea to make sure there are no sprinkler heads underneath the Slip and Slide before takeoff. NBD - no broken bones, just a very swollen and partially black hand. @emmerylan has already seen me try to knit like this...it wasn't cute and was excruciatingly slow (ok ok and also painful). To all the #summerknitalongwithemandk people - I'm down, but not out!! You haven't seen the last of my Downtown Cardigan 🙆🏼‍♀️ Side note: I wish I had a picture of the Orthopedic doctor's face after he told me not to be using my left hand and I very seriously asked him if that also meant no knitting. It was Instagram worthy.

A post shared by Kirsten Storms (@kirstenstorms) on

Unfortunately, Storms follows a slew of GH actors who have had to face some sort of recovery this summer. Laura Wright (Carly Corinthos) recently broke her foot, Leslie Charleson (Monica Quartermaine) is recovering from hand surgery, and Kin Shriner (Scott Baldwin) recently rode a scooter on-screen as a way to keep filming at GH while recovering from foot surgery.

Here's wishing Storms and her other GH costars the very best of recoveries!

Would you like to leave Storms a get-well-soon message? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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